Basic & Detailed Engineering
MDEM Service
Basic Design
Basic design is the phase of engineering project when main product functions are defined, verified thoroughly with Owner requirements and expectations, Class regulations, Suppliers & Co-makers capabilities and aligned with building strategy of the yard. Working in close cooperation with Damen colleagues our engineering teams are ready to step into the project on early stage. Our specialists have knowledge and skills in naval architecture, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and automation.
Basic design
Our projects
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MDEM Service
Detailed engineering
Detailed engineering is the phase of the project when future vessel is built virtually in 3D digital environment in order to provide necessary manufacturing information to produce the final product. To shorten delivery times our engineering teams always work in concurrent manner when detailed engineering is overlapping with basic design phase. Therefore we are very good in managing of changes in the design while keeping quality and delivery time towards building yard untouched.
Detailed design
Our projects
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